Below is a link to the most comprehensive website about Utah's geology.
You will find there an interactive map (just like the one we have on the dashboard, which is there courtesy of Eagle Technology).


EVA List

EVA No.LocationCOORDINATESElevationDescriptionTransit Mode
EVA 00HAB RIDGE  informal non-sim EVA to the hab ridgeon foot
EVA 01COWGATWaypoint 167: 12 S 520350/ NAD 42470771346

photographic and sample gathering (rocks) 1/2

pressurised rover
EVA 02

Phobos Peak


Waypoint 137: 12 S 519390/ NAD 42501831431photographic and lichensATV, on foot
EVA 03

Lith Canyon


LTNE - Waypoint: 245 12 S 518909/ NAD 4256534

LTMP - Waypoint: 244 12 S 519307/ NAD 4256284

LWLT - Waypoint: 248 12 S 519442/ NAD 4255945

 photographicpressurised rover
EVA 04Kissing Camel RidgeKSCRNG - Kissing Cammel Range - Waypoint 326
Inverted Channel at 12 S 519000 /NAD 4249500
 Photographicpressurised rover to 248, on foot
EVA 05MDRS Courtyard12 S 0518321/ 4250825 and 12 S 0518265/ 4250751 Assessing New Location Observatoryon foot
EVA 06

Lith Canyon Road

Box Canyon,

Henry Mountains

WP 248 

UTM 4256366, 12S 02520470



elev. 1408

To orient the crew with the geologic context and
importance of the entire MDRS area.

(1) Hab ridge (concretions, endoliths,
sedimentary features, fossils, geologic overview)

(2) fossil sites 
(3) endolith sites
(4) hypolith sites
(5) inverted river channel
(6) microbial mats and soil crust field sites
(7) the Henry Mountains. 

pressurised rover(s) (smile) and on foot
EVA 07Dachstein sample collection Antipodesengineering bay MDRS  on foot
EVA 08Phobos Peak  recreational, photographic, sample gatheringATV, on foot
EVA 09East of Hab  photographic, recreationalATV, on foot
EVA 10Olympus Mons  recreationalon foot
EVA 11

Muddy Creek

via Factory Bench

and the San Raphael Swell (?)

12S 0508581 UTM 4264613

12s 0508255 UTM 4257618

12s 0505430 UTM 4260801




sample gathering (rocks) 2/2pressurised rover and on foot
EVA 12South of Kissing Camel Range (Bob's Rock Garden)

UTM Northing 4249475.1 UTM Easting 518284.3

 have a closer look at fossils and the flood plainATV
EVA 13Olympus MonsWaypoint 396 OLYMON (Olympus Mons) 12 S 518566/ NAD 4251536 walking, recon and observing drainage patternson foot
EVA 14Brahe Highway12s utm 0517078  42545561363exporationATV
EVA 15Skyline rimEasting 514835 Northing 42530861445explorationATV
EVA 16Photographic    
EVA 17Maori Compass ceremony in the Solar Garden    
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