Crew118Day05CommanderCheck-In Report
Date and time: 25 April 2012, 1900 hrs
Written by: Haritina Mogosanu, Crew 118, Commander
Crew Physical Status:
Report Transmission Schedule(you can access below all the reports of the day): | Mission Support | Media |
EVA Report - EVA 02 Phobos Peak | Education Log |
Time Departed/Returned from EVA:
0730 hrs to 1300 hrs
Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results:
EVA 02 Phobos Peak, lichens and wind erosion.
The rock on top the hill to the right of the image is Phobos Peak.
EVA Data/Interpretations:
There are many types of lichens in the desert and they seem to be everywhere if one looks carefully for them.
The image above is taken from Phobos peak looking back at MDRS,
which is the white spot in the upper center of the image.
Further away you can see the Factory Butte.
Engineering/Hab Maintenance:
Packages delivered to the Hab:
We picked up the food midday today.
(For each one received, note the following:)
Sender: (e.g. Newegg,
Ordered by: (if marked on the packing slip)
How package arrived at the Hab: Commander and HSO picked it up from the delivery module arrived in orbit (Hanksville)
Contents of package: space food
Condition of contents: yumm!
Disposition of contents and packing slip/receipt:
Plans for Tomorrow:
EVA on ATVs to Lith Canyon to do a photographic study for the NZ-Utah-Mars comparison of Canyons - CDR, MSP, MSL, FE.
XO and HSO will stay at the base to catch up with their work and comms for the hab with the Mission Control in New Zealand.
HSO to setup the cheese experiment
Support Requested: