Crew118Day12CommanderCheck-In Report
Date and time: 2 May 2012, 2000 hrs
Written by: Haritina Mogosanu, Crew 118, Commander
Crew Physical Status:
Time Departed/Returned from EVA:
1200 hrs to 1400 hrs (approx)
1630 hrs to 1830 hrs
Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results:
observing drainage patterns and scouting
EVA Data/Interpretations:
EVA 12: Chandor Chasma watercourse appears to be the major drainage channel for HAB
EVA 13: -
Engineering/Hab Maintenance:
BAU (business as usual)
Packages delivered to the Hab:none
(For each one received, note the following:)
Sender: (e.g. Newegg,
Ordered by: (if marked on the packing slip)
How package arrived at the Hab:
Contents of package:
Condition of contents:
Disposition of contents and packing slip/receipt:
Report Transmission Schedule:
Plans for Tomorrow:
Sky Line Rim EVA
Support Requested: