
Celebrating 50 years today!

KiwiSpace today has released the first images from our space balloon launch, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of human spaceflight. More images and video will be released as soon as we can process them.


Yahoo! We have recovered the payload. It was found near a farm driveway near Pirongia.
We'll keep you hanging on whether the pictures worked out or not!

latest news

Balloon appears to have popped. Currently descending.

Recovery crew on route.

Balloon Away!

Balloon released at 8:48am. Ascending around 900ft per minute.

Counting down

8PM: The project team are currently counting down towards a launch Sunday morning (10th April), weather dependent. Final call will be made around 2am, once the latest upper air wind data is obtained, with the launch and recovery crews leaving Auckland sometime after 3pm.

This proof-of-concept launch is of a smaller payload (around 500 grams). According to the info I have been provided, it will have one main camera, and a cellphone camera. We were hoping to provide real-time tracking via the web, but the gremlins are at play, so we'll see how we go.

I'll be attempting to provide updates at key points on this blog - liftoff, tracking updates every hour or so, and upon recovery.

Fingers crossed, and regardless on how the launch actually goes – next time you see the core project team, give them a big pat on the back. They have put many, many, many hours into this launch.
