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h3. Fancy being a scientist for a day?

Share with us which one of three possible targets for the Cassini spacecraft you feel is the most interesting, and win great prizes for you and your class - *and the chance to work with NASA scientists\!*


h5. Our Vision
Our goal is to have an active education campaign, covering the full breadth of space science - but ultimately having every secondary school in NZ developing and launching a satellite or rocket into orbit. ...[More]
We aim to unify the NZ Space Community - from spectators to the dreamers and visionaries actually building or working on space technology. ...[More]
Kiwis are inventors: From building rockets, developing scientific payloads or growing food for astronauts -  want to support their efforts, by clearing roadblocks to innovation and building shared infrastructure ...[More]
The *NZ Space Foundation* was founded in April 2010, by a group of enthusiastic kiwi space advocates. Browse our *[full vision]*, covering [Representation], [Advocacy], [Space Policy], [Community Engagement] and more.



>> *{report-info:space:name|link=true}*\\


*Support the NZSF and become a member\!*
Only $25 per year
\\ !|border=0!

h3. News & Blogs

    {date-sort:content:modification date|order=descending}
    *{report-info:content:title|link=true|default=_none_}* _({report-info:content:creation date|format=d MMM yyyy})_
    {report-info:content:excerpt}... {report-link:content:url}Read more{report-link}

h3. Featured Articles

  {content-reporter:spaces=PORTAL|type=page|scope=PORTAL:Articles > children}
    {date-sort:content:modification date|order=descending}
    *{report-info:content:title|link=true|default=_none_}* _({report-info:content:creation date|format=MMM yyyy})_
    {report-info:content:excerpt}... {report-link:content:url}Read more{report-link}

h5. Featured Team Member

(Coming soon)

See the [entire team]...



h3. We need your help\!

Ultimately the success of the NZSF comes down to the contribution of members - so we need your help. Most of all during this discovery phase - we want to find out *what's going on, that we don't know about*\!  The initial committee quickly discovered that there was a lot more going on around New Zealand than we realised - but we're certain there are a lot more Kiwis out there working deep-in or on the fringe of space enterprise.

Do you know of any Kiwis (in NZ or abroad, dead or alive) who:
* Works for an aerospace company?
* Are currently working on space-related research, projects or products?
* Is damn keen to help kickstart the NZ Space Race, and would like to join the NZSF team?
* Is involved (or is keen to be involved) with Space education - at any level?

In addition to these specific areas we're trying to research, who we're ultimately after is you -- a space enthusiast who took the time to take a look at this site.  If the activities and vision of the NZSF is for you, then [register your interest|PORTAL:Contact Us]\!. We're still in the early stages of getting going, but have a committee that is meeting regularly to discuss the direction and next steps - and hope to have some public displays, conferences or meetings in the not too distant future.


h5. What's on?

  {content-reporter:spaces=EVENTS|type=page|scope=PORTAL:Events > children}
      ^{report-info:data:event_start|format=EEE d MMM}^
      {report-info:data:event_start|format=HH\:mm}: {report-info:data:event_summary|render=wiki}

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* Mission and Vision Summary
* Featured articles
* Blogs and updates (from NZ groups)
* Events summary
* Competitions
* Upcoming events
* Calendar of NZ and Global Space Conferences & Events
Articles & Publications (Our own and guest published articles)
* Annual Space Report
* Newsletter