Blog from May, 2010

I was fortunate enough to be able to attend a 'Launch Day' of the NZ Rocketry Association. It was held at their Taupiri launch site (near Huntly) on Sunday 9 May, and was an opportunity for me to meet some of the NZRA executive, and see first-hand what they were up to.

They hold their main 'National Rocket Day', a promoted public event in February each year, and so this event was more for members to try out new rockets and generally have fun. For a first time attendee, I didn't know what to expect - and was quite enthralled the day's action. It was attended by around 50 people, with around 30 rockets launching.

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I'm looking forward to their February launch day - and we'll provide more information about it on the KiwiSpace website as the time draws closer.

The Orion Rocket Team was also hoping to launch last weekend of an low-altitude 3-stage rocket they are developing as a technology evaluator; but unfortunately had some issues with electronics so are planning a launch in a month or so. We'll keep you posted here too!

Mark Mackay
Founding Committee Member