Some of these projects will be developed into school resources. Some of these resources are still under construction. An "under construction" banner will be displayed on the page if that is the case.

Link to the Science Page

MDRS123 Mission Plan, Thurs 31 Jan 2013

MDRS123 crew plan a large number of diverse projects. These are:

In addition we will be undertaking other activities that include: 

  • Bread making on Mars.
  • Developing recipes using space storable food.
  • Inventory of Hab mechanical and electrical equipment.
  • Maintaining and improving Green Hab food production.
  • Outreach 1: Seven Network Australia filming.
  • Outreach 2: New Zealand schools.



Crew 123 TasMars2013 using the Raman Spectrometer
Equipment MDRS123 crew brought to Hab:
  1.  Raman and Ocean Optics spectrometers
  2. Paper overalls and dust collection tools
  3. Quadcopter
  4. JPL outreach equipment, model of Curiosity, full size rover wheel and touch kit.
  5. Cameras
  6. Garman GPS
  7. Geological equipment: Rock hammer, hand lenses, compass


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