Ali Harley

Age: 46
Living in: Wellington

Special interest/s while on the mission:

Geology, Distance Education, Engineering Support



Adult Educator

Passionate about Mars because:

I’m passionate about Planet Mars because learning about Mars helps us learn about Planet Earth!

Any other relevant detail/s

Ali wants to bring Mars 'closer' for kids, help them think beyond Planet Earth, and interest them in geology. The MDRS site in Utah is a spectacular analogue for Mars due to the dry desert climate, the landforms, e.g. glacial, volcanic, the caves, channels, craters, and dunes. While at the MDRS Ali will begin production of simulation resources that illustrate some of the known geological similarities between Planet Earth and Planet Mars, e.g. land features, how they formed, and what rocks and minerals are present in them.

Ali's project will provide school kids (whose own children may be the generation that travels to Mars) with the opportunity to (virtually) see, touch, smell, taste and “hear” Mars geology.

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