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titleAn idea is under construction!

We're hoping to hold a 2-day Space un-conference in Auckland, tentatively the weekend of 15/16 February 2014.

Planning has only just begun, and the things aren't confirmed yet – but please stay tuned.


What the heck is a SpaceUp?

For the first space-conference in NZ, we're proposing to go with a variation on the unconference format. What's that you ask? Well check out the video below which describes how SpaceUp DC worked.

Widget Connector

While we may tweak things slightly to suit NZ - but the main point it it's an open conference, all about participation - not being a spectator.  You can speak on almost any topic* related to space, space science, exploration, development, etc. 

*Note: This conference is not about UFOs, Green Men, conspiracy theories, etc. We're wanting to help kindle a direction for Space in New Zealand. 

Sound like you?

If you have any interest in the conference – attending, sponsoring, helping organise, etc – then please sign up to the mailing list below, and we'll keep you informed:

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