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h5. Featured

h4. Help us make dreams come true\!
Did you or your child dream about being an Astronaut as a kid?
Do you still dream about it now?

The New Zealand Space Foundation is a new organisation committed to helping bridge the gap from dreams to reality. We want to make space accessible to New Zealanders -- as a workplace, resource, frontier and wonder.

Check out our site and start to explore what New Zealand already has to offer - [Clubs & Organisations] you can join, [DEV:Education & Research] opportunities, and [Businesses|DEV:Industry] already building our future.

*Want to help us on our mission?* Subscribe to our mailing list and we'll keep you posted on projects and programmes, or [Become a Member|DEV:Membership] or Donate today - and help us make dreams come true.

*Or, help us 'fill in the blanks':* Do you know of any Kiwis (in NZ or abroad, dead or alive) who:
* Works for an aerospace company?
* Are currently working on space-related research, projects or products?
* Is damn keen to help kickstart the NZ Space Race, and would like to join the NZSF team?
* Is involved (or is keen to be involved) with Space education - at any level?



*[Fancy being a scientist for a day?|CASSINI:Home]*

Share with us which one of three possible targets for the Cassini spacecraft you feel is the most interesting, and win great prizes for you and your class - *and the chance to work with NASA scientists\!*

h5. Our Vision
Our goal is to have an active education campaign, covering the full breadth of space science - but ultimately having every secondary school in NZ developing and launching a satellite or rocket into orbit. ...[More]
We aim to unify the NZ Space Community - from spectators to the dreamers and visionaries actually building or working on space technology. ...[More]
Kiwis are inventors: From building rockets, developing scientific payloads or growing food for astronauts -  want to support their efforts, by clearing roadblocks to innovation and building shared infrastructure ...[More]
The *NZ Space Foundation* was founded in April 2010, by a group of enthusiastic kiwi space advocates. Browse our *[full vision]*, covering [Representation], [Advocacy], [Space Policy], [Community Engagement] and more.

h5. What's on?

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*Support the NZSF and become a member\!* Only $25 per year
\\  !https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_buynowCC_LG.gif|border=0,align=center!

h3. News & Blogs

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    {report-info:content:excerpt}... {report-link:content:url}Read more{report-link}

h3. Featured Articles

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    *{report-info:content:title|link=true|default=_none_}* _({report-info:content:creation date|format=MMM yyyy})_
    {report-info:content:excerpt}... {report-link:content:url}Read more{report-link}

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