The Azuki beans that have been sent to your school are from the same batch/lot as the seed that went to space on the ISS.

What do you need

  • container for the seed
  • Azuki bean seeds
  • material for planting the seeds (sponge, rockwool)
  • cutter knife
  • permanent marker 
  • aluminium foil

If you will use a clear container, it will be easier to see how the seeds grow!

The Azuki bean
  • The size of an Azuki bean seed varies between 7 mm and 5 mm long.
  • The white line in the center is called the "hilum".


How to plant the seeds

  • Firstly, cut the sponge in half using the cutter knife. By cutting it into two pieces, the experiment can be done twice.

It is easier to cut from either side with the cutter knife. Ask an adult to help you if you find this difficult. Be careful not to cut yourself when using the cutter knife.

  • Use the permanent marker to mark the sponge where the seed will be planted.
  • Three horizontal holes and three vertical holes were made for a total of nine holes.

Use the cutter knife to cut a hole on the mark deep enough to bury the seed.

 Plant the seed inside the hole. Place the seeded sponge inside the container.

Securely insert the seed in the sponge with the sprouting end face up.

Add sufficient water to the sponge.

Tilt the container to discard any extra water not absorbed by the sponge.

Cover the container with the lid, wrap the container with aluminium foil to keep it dark, and grow the Azuki bean for seven days.

When the Azuki bean starts to sprout, remove the lid so that it does not bend the sprout, and re-cover the container with aluminium foil to keep it dark.

You can also use a box to cover it to keep the light out.

(The growing temperature inside the "Hope" module is approximately 22-23 degrees.)