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MDRS118 Mission Plan, 26 April 2012

MDRS118 crew plan a large number of diverse projects. These are:

In addition we will be undertaking other activities that include: 

  • Cooking on Mars
  • Inventory of Hab Food Supplies.
  • Outreach 1: Producing a documentary about MDRS.
  • Outreach 2: Producing School Resources for NZ students
  • Outreach 3: New Zealand schools and public via Carter Observatory Wellington.


Equipment MDRS118 crew brought to Hab:
  1. Outreach equipment,.
  2. Cameras
  3. Garman GPS
  4. Geological equipment: Rock hammer, hand lenses, compass
  5. Science kit Antipodes

Special thanks go to our Mission Director Jon Clarke - Mars Society Australia for his help and sharing his experiences as geologist extraordinaire and member of previous MDRS and Spaceward Bound expeditions.