
h5. The Outreach work stream of  KiwiMars provides New Zealand school students with an opportunity to experience space science in a practical way.

Through interaction with the KiwiMars 2012 crew they can engage in space science in a novel approach to add new meaning and understanding to often complex ideas.

h2. Participate in the KiwiMars 2012 expedition\!

Please send an e-mail to haritina.mogosanu@kiwispace.org.nz, with the subject line KiwiMars 2012 if you wish to get involved in any of the following:
* *Submit your research ideas* for the onsite crew to undertake during the mission;

* Engage with the crew via
** *live telemetry, *
** *video conferences, *
** *Skype calls* and 
** *updates from the mission*;

* *Help us produce resources and guides,* join the wider project team\! The team includes KiwiSpace and curriculum-expert educators.

* Register your interest for the series of *talks and seminars* by the crew after they return, targeting the public, schools and other institutions culminating in World Space Week 4-10 October 2012.

h4. From 22 of April to 6 May you could also:

* Visit the dedicated [*Mission Control*|http://www.carterobservatory.org/a-kiwi-mission-to-mars] facility, hosted at Carter Observatory Wellington.
* Talk to experts through the *Mission Portal*, hosted on our website. The mission portal will provide news and updates, but also the ability for students to interact with the crew and a team of specialists (teachers) that can answer students' questions related to the experiments undertaken in real time during the mission. 

We are working closely with the Royal Society of New Zealand, the New Zealand Association of Science Educators, Carter Observatory, Capital E, Futureintech, Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu and Mars Society Australia



{color:#023266}{*}Explore this site{*}{color}


{color:#023266}{*}Commander's Log{*}{color}

The commander of the expedition will keep you posted with the latest progress in the preparation of the project.

