!magnificent desolation.jpg|align=center,width=970!

{span:style=font-size:22pt; font-weight:bold; line-height: 26pt;}Join us as KiwiSpace embarks on a unique journey
to explore a surreal world during a simulated mission to Mars.{span}

{span:style=font-size:13pt; line-height: 20pt; margin-top: 5px; }Six crew-members will be heading deep into the Utah desert in April/May 2012,
to undertake a 2-week mission of exploration and research at the *[Mars Desert Research Station]*.
*Follow them* as they train and undertake this exciting project.{span}


{panel}Mission Dates: *21 April - 6 May 2012{*}{panel}

h4. MDRS Crew 118 KiwiMars

We finalized now the crew structure for the expedition KiwiMars. We will be announcing it soon.

h3. Commander's log

The commander of the expedition will keep you posted with the latest progress in the preparation of the project.

h3. Mission Support

[Carter Observatory Wellington|http://www.carterobservatory.org] is the headquarters of our Mission Support for the duration of the expedition. Watch this space to see how you can get involved in the outreach and research of the KiwiMars 2012 Expedition and interact life with the crew from location.

h3. Outreach Stream

The outreach stream is a pilot project that will take students, teachers and the public on a journey of discovery, reaching new frontiers of scientific knowledge and cultural awareness, to find out what it takes to be an explorer of the new world.


h6. Explore this site
